AHA Hockey offers Minnesota's premier adult recreational hockey experience. The AHA Spring League is for players of all abilities and with fewer skill levels than Summer and Winter leagues, allows for wider range of individual skill levels across balanced teams in a fun, relaxed environment.
We encourage players to register individually or in small groups of up to four other players and be placed on a team together. Teams are assembled by AHA with parity in mind and having individuals and small groups register allows greater flexibility to maintain parity.
2021 Update: Due to COVID-19 and shifted leagues, we will not hold Spring League in 2021. Instead, we will offer an enhanced Summer League that starts in May.

Program Features:
• Multiple skill levels of play
• 75 minute ice times; Three stop-time periods
• No checking, safe and competitive environment
• Two USA Hockey certified referees and scorekeeper at every game
• Primarily Sunday evening games at centrally located arenas
• Jerseys provided by AHA
Registration Details:
• All players must be registered with USA Hockey
Registration for the 2022 Spring League will be posted in Winter 2021-22.
Can I register with teammates?
We strongly recommend players register individually, or with small groups. The Spring League is a great way to get on the ice while meeting and playing with new players. With fewer skill levels, the individual skill level will vary more than the Summer and Winter leagues.
If I sign up individually, am I guaranteed to get on a team?
Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis. AHA will post when the teams are full and registrations are no longer accepted.
What equipment is required for the Spring League?
Required equipment is: helmet with shield (full cage/shield is recommended, but half shield is allowed), breezers, shins, elbows, gloves, skates, and stick. Shoulder pads are optional. AHA will provide lightweight jerseys to all players, and player equipment does not need to match in color or style.
What nights are games played?
Games will be played primarily Sunday evenings at St Louis Park and Richfield. One game will be on a Tuesday or Wednesday evening to avoid Memorial Day weekend. Each level will play games at different arena each week, location is not dependent on the skill level. Convenient start times between 6:00PM and 9:30PM.
Is fighting/rough play allowed in AHA?
AHA is a non-checking league. Fighting is strictly prohibited. AHA promotes a safe environment for adults to play hockey and does not condone rough play. Players that fight or get excessive penalty minutes are suspended. Refer to the AHA Rules Addendum for more information.
For more information contact the Registration Coordinator.